The mission of CNIPT Lipova is to promote Lipova town and its surroundings with the purpose of attracting much more tourists in the area through modern and easily useful means.
This accomplishment of this project leads to the growing number of tourists in the area and implicitly to multiplying services (direct and related) offered to them: accommodation (touristic boarding houses), catering (restaurants), transportation, commerce, culture (museums), production (growing number of products manufactured by local tradesmen with the purpose of selling them). The immediate effect will be the appearance of new economic agents and also a growing number of working places resulting in an implicit growth of the quality of life of this area’s inhabitants.
CNIPT Lipova puts at the tourists ‘disposal various means of information starting with maps and brochures but also informational CDs and even the possibility of watching a documentary in the multimedia room arranged on its premises. So the tourists who are not decided what thematic route to take or those who do not have enough time to visit very many touristic objectives can watch this documentary which will give them exactly the information they need.
CNIPT Lipova belongs to the national network of information centers, thus managing to offer as many information to the tourists who are interested in the Lipova local area. Also, with the help of the Internet page of CNIPT the tourists have information about the touristic sites of the area, its flora and fauna, the thematic routes that can be traveled through, the possibilities of spending free time in the area, the accommodation possibilities, tradition, the local trade etc.
CNIPT disposes of various rooms:
• The tourists ‘reception hall where they will be informed by the CNIPT employees about the tourist sites that can be visited in the area, about the socio-cultural habits etc. Also here the CNIPT employees will put at the tourists ‘disposal flyers, brochures, maps etc. for more information and for establishing a possible route which they would like to take.
• In the media hall the tourists, also the ones who are not decided what to visit in the area but also the ones that do not have enough time to visit as many tourist sites or to take part in various events, will have the opportunity to watch a documentary (approximately 30 minutes) about the area in which they are, its history, flora, fauna, the traditions preserved, the crafts practiced here etc.
• In the main exhibition hall tourists can admire various traditional crafts, such as carved objects, traditional costumes from different periods of the history of this area and other specific objects.
Larger groups of tourists, who would like to travel through certain thematic routes, are invited by the employees, either in the handicraft room – when there are no courses – or in the media room – when other tourists do not watch the documentary – in order to establish together what routes they would like to take. Also, the employees of CNIPT, in case the tourists want to, can join them in order to offer them supplementary information about the places and objectives they will visit.
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